Does your child have a knack for art, science & technology, math, or writing? How about a passion for changing the world through social or environmental causes? Tap into those talents and ambitions by participating in a national contest or challenge. We've rounded up some of our favorite kid contests to help you find an opportunity that celebrates your best!
IMPORTANT NOTE: Contests are listed by entry deadlines, so plan ahead to make sure that your submission is worthy of a top prize.
These contests are NOT affiliated with Macaroni Kid in any way.
April Contests
⭐ Highschoolers, ages 14+ ~ Stuck at Prom® ~ Wow the judges with prom dresses and tuxedos made entirely with Duck® brand duct tape and/or Duck® brand crafting tape.
First-place winners from each category will be awarded $10,000 cash prizes. Eight runners up for Dress and Tux categories will each win $500 cash scholarships in addition to Duck® Brand Prize Packs.
Submit a photograph of your work online between March 31, 2021 and July 21, 2021.
Sorry, Colorado residents! This contest is limited to legal residents of the United States and the District of Columbus (excluding Arizona, Maryland, Tennessee, Colorado, and North Dakota) or legal residents of Canada (excluding the Province of Quebec).
⭐ Ages 17 and under ~ Denver Audubon's "Draw Your Favorite Bird" Contest ~ Kids can draw their favorite birds for a chance to win a Denver bird guide... and bragging rights! Denver Audubon will post their favorites on Facebook on April 8th and let social media pick the winner. Be sure to stop in and cast your vote.
Submit your artwork via email to by 5pm on April 6, 2021.
⭐ Highschoolers ~ National High School Essay Contest ~ Students will identify, in no more than 1,250 words, a situation where diplomats worked on a peacebuilding initiative with partners from the country/region in question, nongovernmental organizations, and other parts of the U.S. government, and then go on to analyze what characteristics and approaches made the enterprise a success.
A $2,500 cash prize and all-expense-paid travel is available for the writer of the winning essay.
Postmark your work by April 5, 2021.
⭐ Grades 1-12 ~ Radiant Peace Education Awards® ~ Students may express themselves about Radiant Peace in their own lives in essays, art, videos, or other projects.
Cash awards and certificates are given for entries that show commitment to Radiant Peace and special qualities of creativity and originality in each category.
Postmark your work by April 7, 2021. Entries must be received by April 21, 2021.
⭐ Grades K-12 ~ Celebrating Art Contest ~ Put your artistic skills to the test. Art may be any medium (except for photography) as long as it can be photographed for entry.
The top ten students in each grade division will receive a $25 award and a free book that includes their artwork.
Submit your artwork online no later than April 8, 2021.
⭐ Grades K-9 ~ Creative Communication's Poetry Contest ~ Put your writing skills to the test! Fun Fact: Taylor Swift was a Top Ten Winner in this contest when she was a 5th grader! You can read Taylor's poem, "Monster in My Closet" online.
The top ten students in each grade division will receive a $25 award and a free book with their poem inside.
Submit your poetry online no later than April 8, 2021.
⭐ No Age Requirement ~ Speak Up, Sing Out Music Contest ~ Students are invited to produce original songs that take a stand against human rights abuses. Use your own voices to create meaningful change on pressing issues such as sexual harassment and assault, bullying, police brutality, and other important topics related to social justice.
The contest winner will perform their song at a Grammy-related event, or virtual arts event.
Submit your song online no later than April 19, 2021
⭐ Grades 5-8 ~ 3M Young Scientist Challenge ~ The annual challenge invites students to submit a 1-2 minute video describing a unique solution to an everyday problem. Entry topics include improving health, safety, mobility, the environment, energy consumption, the community, and more!
Winners will be eligible for cash prizes (up to $25,000), trips, exclusive mentorship opportunities, and 3M Innovation Prize Packs.
Submit your video online no later than April 27, 2021.
⭐ Grades 8-12 ~ Ayn Rand Institute: Anthem Essay Contest ~ Read the book Anthem by Ayn Rand and select one of three topics to consider for an essay. Essays must be between 600 and 1,200 words. Winners are eligible for cash prizes up to $2,000.
Submit your essay online no later than April 29, 2021.
⭐ Grades 11-12 ~ Ayn Rand Institute: The Fountainhead Essay Contest ~ Read the book The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand and select one of three topics to consider for an essay. Essays must be between 800 and 1,600 words. Winners are eligible for cash prizes up to $5,000.
Submit your essay online no later than April 29, 2021.
⭐ Grades PreK-1 ~ Scholastic's Favorite Character Sweepstakes ~ Test your knowledge of book characters. Five winners will each win a box of books. Use the entry form to correctly identify six characters to be eligible for the prize.
Complete the entry form no later than 10:59 PM (MT) on April 30, 2021.
⭐ Grades 2 - 8 ~ Scholastic's Favorite Character Sweepstakes ~ Test your knowledge of book characters. Five winners will each win a box of books. Use the entry form to correctly identify six characters to be eligible for the prize.
Complete the entry form no later than 10:59 PM (MT) on April 30, 2021.
May Contests
⭐ Ages 13-19 ~ The Junebug Journal Young Artists Contest ~ Students are encouraged to share any form of art (including writing, visual arts, photography, culinary arts, performing arts, and videography). This is an open-ended contest for students to express themselves and foster the next generation of artists.
The first place winner is eligible for a cash prize of $100.
Submit your original work online no later than May 1, 2021.
⭐ Grades K-12 ~ World Historian Student Essay Competition ~ Students are invited to answer the question, "In what way has the study of world history affected my understanding of the world in which I live?" through an essay of approximately 1,000 words.
A $500 cash prize and a one-year membership in the WHA will be awarded to the essay winner.
Entries must be emailed or postmarked by May 1, 2021.
June Contests
⭐ Highschoolers ~ Jane Austen Society of North America Essay Contest ~ Students are encouraged to write an essay around the theme, "Jane Austen in the Arts." High school students may discuss Jane Austen's use of the arts in one of her novels.
Essay winners are eligible for cash prizes up to $1,000 in addition to a one-year membership in JASNA and registration to the 2021 Annual General Meeting in Chicago.
Entries must be submitted online by June 1, 2021.
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