
“Love From Liam” Nicole Cox Living Through Having A Premature Baby

By KELLY WAKEFIELD | Account Manager WildRock Public Relations & Marketing® October 19, 2020

In February Nicole Cox unexpectedly gave birth to her son Liam at 34 weeks. He had to spend 27 days in the newborn intensive care unit (NICU) at North Colorado Medical Center (NCMC) in Greeley, which seemed like an eternity to Cox.

Now, having experienced the rollercoaster ride of living through having a premature baby in the NICU, Cox is giving back to other mothers in the same position with homemade care bags through a program she created called “Love From Liam” named after her son.

 “The hardest thing is to carry a baby inside of you for so long and then have to leave the hospital without them,” she said. “I started talking with other moms after my experience and wanted to give back to moms in the same situation.”

 Cox settled on care packages filled with thoughtful items such as hair ties, Chapstick, gum, snacks, stress balls and coloring books. She has nearly 30 bags ready to go and hopes to turn Love for Liam into a non-profit organization and continue giving back to moms in the NICU in Northern Colorado.