According to Karen, mother of two school-aged boys, homework was ruining their lives. “Every night I would come home from work and spend hours helping my kids with their homework,” she remembers. “By the time we got done, it was time for bed.” Karen’s oldest son, Jacob, was in 5th grade. His teachers didn’t see a problem because he was an A and B student. “But they weren’t the ones at home watching him struggle,” Karen says. “He understood the material in class—the issue was that it took him forever to do the work.” At the end of 5th grade, one of Jacob’s teachers told Karen, “Your son is a pleasure to have in class, I just wish he would talk more!” That was another red flag. At home Jacob had plenty to say. Why wasn’t he participating in the classroom? When Karen thought about that— and the many hours of homework— she knew something needed to change. “With all the hours I had spent on homework, I felt that I had been through 5th grade myself! Looking forward, I did NOT want to go to sixth grade in the fall, or to high school in a few years! I began looking for a solution.” That summer, Karen enrolled Jacob in a LearningRx brain training program. She discovered that LearningRx doesn’t teach (or reteach) information and ideas like tutoring does. Instead, brain training programs consist of intense (but fun) mental exercises that strengthen skills (like attention, memory, and logic) that the brain uses to think and learn. “Going through the program was life-changing for us,” Karen says. Several weeks into 6th grade, Karen asked Jacob about his day at school. “It went good!” He grinned. “I volunteered to do some math problems on the board.” Karen couldn’t believe her ears! The boy who labored for hours over homework and felt too insecure to talk in class not was only volunteering in class, he was also getting his homework done in record time— without any help from her at all! “To have our lives totally change because of this program is just amazing,” says this happy mom.
LearningRx, headquartered in Colorado Springs, Colorado, is the largest one-on-one brain training organization in the world. With 80 Centers in the U.S., and locations in 40 countries around the globe, LearningRx has helped more than 95,000 individuals and families sharpen their cognitive skills to help them think faster, learn easier, and perform better. Their on-site programs partner every client with a personal brain trainer to keep clients engaged, accountable, and on-task — a key advantage over online-only brain exercises. Their pioneering methods have been used in clinical settings for 35 years and have been verified as beneficial in peer-reviewed research papers and journals.
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