
Pet Parenting Tips for Halloween

October 27, 2014

DO's for the little critter in your life

     make sure your pup's princess Leia outfit (or any outfit) doesn't obstruct their vision, hearing, or breathing.

     Keep candy out of reach. Particularly chocolate, any food that is different than their regular diet will upset their stomach but chocolate may cause death.

     Make sure your pest tags and/or microchips have up to date contact info just in case

DON'T's for the little critter in your life.

    leave your pet unsupervised while he or she is in costume.  They can chew on or pull off capes or hats and hurt themselves in the process.

     let your critter near lighted jack-o-lanterns or other potentially dangerous decoration.

     let your black cat/dog outside on Halloween night. They can easily become targets for pranksters.

If you have any tips please add them to the comments below.