
Holiday Just For Fun

April 25, 2016


National Humor Month
International Guitar Month
Keep America Beautiful
Lawn and Garden Month
National Poetry Month
National Pecan Month
National Welding Month
Records and Information Management Month
Stress Awareness Month
Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Weekly Celebrations
Library Week
Read a Road map Week
Garden Week
Organize Your Files Week
Medical Labs Week
Administrative Assistants Week
National Karaoke Week

 1st April Fool's Day
 1st International Fun at Work Day
 1st International Tatting Day
 2nd Children's Book Day
 2nd National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day
 2nd Reconciliation Day
 3rd Don't Go to Work Unless it's Fun Day
 3rd Tweed Day
 4th Hug a Newsman Day
 4th National Walk to Work Day
 4th Walk Around Things Day
 4th School Librarian Day 
 4th Tell A Lie Day (Not recommended)
 5th Go for Broke Day
 6th Plan Your Epitaph day (really?)
 6th Sorry Charlie Day
 7th Carmel Popcorn Day
 7th National Beer Day
 7th No Housework Day
 7th World Health Day
 8th All is Ours Day
 8th Draw A Picture Of A Bird Day
 9th Name Yourself Day
 9th Winston Churchill Day
10th  National Siblings Day
10th Golfer's Day
11th Eight Track Tape Day ( old device that was replaced by thumb drives and MP3's)
11th Barbershop Quartet Day
11th National Submarine Day
12th Big Wind Day 
12th Russian Cosmonaut day
13th Scrabble Day
14th Ex Spouse Day
14th International Moment of Laughter Day (Get your laugh on)
14th Look Up At The Sky Day
14th National Pecan Day
14th Reach As High As You Can Day
15th Rubber Eraser Day
15th Titanic Rememberance Day
16th National Eggs Benedict Day
16th National Librarian Day
16th National Stress Awareness Day
17th Bat Appriciation Day
17th Blah, Blah, Blah, Day (My Daughter would think Hotel Transelvania with the Count)
17th National Cheeseball Day
17th Pet Owners Independence Day
18th International Juggler's Day
18th Newspaper Columnists Day
18th Patriot's Day (3rd Monday of the Month)
19th National Garlic Day
20th Look Alike Day
20th Volunteer Recognition Day
21st Kindergarten Day (This Year I celebrate this with my Kindergartener)
21st National High Five Day
22nd Girl Scout Leader Day
22nd National Jelly Ben Day
23rd Lover's Day
23rd National Zucchini Bread Day
23rd Take A Chance Day
23rd World Laboratory Day
24th Pig In A Blanket Day
25th East meets West Day
25th World Penguin Day
26th Hug an Australian Day
26th National Pretzel Day
26th Richter Scale Day
27th Administrative Professionals Day (Executive Amin's Day, Secretary's Day) (date Varies)
27th Babe Ruth's Day
27th National Prime Rib Day
27th Tell A Story Day
28th International Astronomy Day
28th Great Poetry Reading Day
28th Take Your Daughter To Work Day  (4th Thursday)
29th Arbor Day (Last Friday of the Month)
29th Greenery Day
29th National Shrimp Scampi Day
30th Hairstyle Appreciation Day
30th National Honesty Day



Date Your Mate Month
Foster Care Month
National Barbecue Month
National Bike Month
National Blood Pressure Month
National Hamburger Month
National Photograph Month
National Recommitment Month
National Salad Month
Older Americans Month


Nurse's Week - First week of the month
Wildflower Week - Week two
National Bike Week - Third week
National Police Week - Third week of the month
Emergency Medical Services Week - Fourth week of the month


 1st May Day
 1st Loyalty Day
 1st Mother Goose Day 
 1st  Save The Rhino Day
 2nd Baby Day
 2nd Brothers and Sisters da
 3rd Lumpy Rug Day
 3rd National Teachers Day  (Tuesday of the first full week)
 3rd World Press Freedom Day
 4th Bird Day
 4th National Candied Orange Peel Day
 4th Renewal Day
 4th Star Wars Day
 5th Cinco De Mayo
 5th National Hoagie Day
 5th Oyster Day
 6th Beverage day
 6th International Tube Day (first Friday in May)
 6th Military Spouses day  (The First Friday Before Mother's Day)
 6th National Tourist Appreciation Day
 6th National Nurses Day
 6th No Diet Day
 6th Space Day (First Friday in May)
 7th Birth Mother's Day (Sunday before Mother's Day)
 7th National Tourism Day 
 8th Iris Day
 8th No Socks Day
 8th V-E Day
 8th World Red Cross Day / World Red Crescent Day
 9th Lost Sock Memorial Day
10th clean up Your Room day